Owen Rairick was born in Kalamazoo Michigan, but grew up throughout and around Louisville Kentucky, and now goes to school in Cincinnati Ohio. He grew up loving dinosaurs, dragons, tree houses, movies, LEGOs, and drawing. Owen quickly discovered his passion for fantasy after being introduced the books The Hobbit and The Chronicles of Narnia by his parents, and also following his early captured love for movies like The Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, and the Avengers movies, he has ever since loved the limitless storytelling potential of fantasy and science-fiction. Owen’s parents have been a constant source of encouragement and support to his creative passion throughout his life, and after being homeschooled until the 4th grade, Owen also found himself under the guidance of his school art teachers, further pushing and growing his art making practice. At age 11, he started taking oil painting lessons under the tutelage of professional painter and tattoo artist, Fred Fields, who would teach him for the next 6 years. Fred would become a catalyst for Owen's artistic journey and his interest in fantasy art. As a kid Owen first wanted to be a Paleontologist, then later, a special-effects artist, then later, a visual-effects artist, then later, an architect, until finally deciding to pursue what he loved most all along, art! After Owen graduated South Oldham High School in 2023, he went on to study Fine Arts in DAAP at the University of Cincinnati to receive his BFA. He is currently in his 2nd year at UC and plans to graduate in 2028. At school Owen lives in Cincinnati, and often travels home to his parents and three younger brothers in Pewee Valley, Kentucky.​​​​​​​
Besides his affinity for painting and drawing, Owen is still passionate about movies, board games, card games, LEGOs, going on late-night trips to McDonalds with friends, and perhaps most importantly, his relationship with Jesus Christ. After committing his life to Jesus in the spring of 2024, Owen has seen the importance and need for God in his life, the importance of surrounding himself with a God-loving, God-fearing community, and the peace and joy he can have in the Lord! His faith is his ultimate inspiration and upmost motivation.
Owen eventually hopes to be an illustrator and concept artist, making art for books, board games, card games, concept art for video games and movies, for his friends and family, and occasionally for himself.

Email: rairicoc@mail.uc.edu​​​​​​​​​​​